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Expression Tokens

Expression Tokens


LUCKY COIN can help an individual to focus on the one aspect that matters the most by holding the coin. It an also make a lovely sentimental gift for a loved one to carry around with them in their purse or handbag.

  • Details

    Darling Mother- You're the world's most wonderful mother. You deserve all the happiness in the world. I love you!


    Dearest Father- You are the best dad there is. That's why you deserve all of the happiness in the world.


    Darling Daughter- You are and will always be our miracle. We are proud of you and love you. You deserve all the happiness in the world.


    Son- You outgrew my lap but never my heart.


    I Love You- My Heart is overflowing with love for you. You are the one I love.


    Guardian Angel-  A Guardian Angel to watch over you and protect you. just like I will aways do.


    Happy Birthday- Wishing you many more wonderful years, full of health, love and happiness.  

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